I'm Brett Slatkin and this is where I write about programming and related topics. You can contact me here or view my projects.

12 October 2024

PyCon Netherlands

This week I gave a keynote presentation at the first official PyCon Netherlands in Utrecht. My talk was called "The Zen of Polymorphism" and I've embedded the presentation below. Be sure to read the speaker notes! You can also view the slides here. The corresponding code is here on GitHub.
The talk was not recorded, which actually was nice for a change. It made the whole experience feel a lot more intimate. I was able to take more questions from the audience and do more back and forth, which I think helped everyone get more out of the experience. The same was true for the other talks of the day. The venue was really cool (the seats were full during the talks): Utrecht conference center
The conference was also a nice way to commemerate the completion of the third edition of my book, which is available for preorder now and will be shipping in late November. As with the other two editions of the book, the cover is an homage to the people of the Netherlands: Effective Python Third Edition cover
© 2009-2024 Brett Slatkin